Monday, 23 June 2014

Papaya For Uric AcidGout Problem

Weight loss in 10 days -
Papaya For Uric AcidGout Problem
Papaya For Uric Acid/Gout Problem~

First boil at least 3 litres of water, wash properly the green papaya medium size, slice and remove the seeds, then cut into small cubes then place into the water and bring to boil, then add tea leaves (oolong) or green tea at least 5 bags similar to the tea making process . . . this is very effective for treatment of GOUT/URIC ACID frequent drinking of this formula will heal the pain you've been suffering for ages . . . skin of the papaya should be included . .!

Share this info to ur friends also :)

Thursday, 19 June 2014

New Nose Drip Crash Diet Gaining Popularity among Brides-To-Be

An increasing number of brides-to-be are going on an extreme weight loss regime, called the K-E diet, which requires women to wear nose tubes that deliver 800 calories of food a day, according to various media reports.
Doctors claim that the feeding tube diet will shed patients about 10 to 20 pounds in just ten days. The K-E diet involves inserting a small feeding tube into the nose and down the esophagus that delivers protein and fat mixed with water and no carbohydrates, according to The New York Times.
The treatment costs Rupees 30,000, and works by a process called ketosis that makes the body burn fat instead of sugar, and leaves the muscles intact.
Dr. Pietro said that the diet does not involve hospitalization or doctor supervision, and patients are simply given a bag filled with food solution and a nasogastric tube.
weight loss in 10 days - Ketogenic Diet - - KEN Diet
weight loss in 10 days – Ketogenic Diet – – KEN Diet
“It is a hunger-free, effective way of dieting,” Dr. Di Pietro told ABC. “Within a few hours and your hunger and appetite go away completely, so patients are actually not hungry at all for the whole 10 days. That’s what is so amazing about this diet.”
The tubes are removable for one hour a day, and patients can drink water, tea or coffee throughout the day.
According to Dr. Di Pietro, the diet has no significant side effects, and main side effects are just bad breath and some constipation because there is no fiber in the food solution. However, he adds that patients with kidney disorders should not try the KE-Diet.
The revolutionary diet has been gaining popularity in Italy and Spain, where it is called the KEN Diet and in the United Kingdom in the past year, according to the Daily Mail.
“This could be the most shocking, controversial diet ever to reach Britain,” Leah Hardy of The Daily Mail wrote in last month. “It is a regime so extreme, so drastic; it makes Lighter Life’s shakes-only system look like a daily five-course banquet. The KEN, or Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition diet, involves eating absolutely nothing at all.”
The recent U.S. launch of the K-E Diet has gained much popularity with women looking to lose weight, especially among brides-to-be.
“I don’t have all of the time on the planet just to focus an hour and a half a day to exercise so I came to the doctor, I saw the diet, and I said, ‘You know what? Why not? Let me try it,” 41-year-old bride-to-be Jessica Schnaider told ABC News. “It was emotionally difficult, the 10 days of not eating.”
Schnaider was only on the diet for eight days, and lost 10 pounds.
Dr. Di Pietro said that he was initially hesitant to offer the diet to people anyone looking to lose a few pounds, but he has now expanded his client base since began providing the K-E diet.
“At first I decided not to do it for people who just want to lose a few pounds. But then I thought, why should I say five or ten pounds are not enough? People want to be perfect,” he told the Times.
Gianfranco Cappello of the La Sapienza Hospital at the University of Rome, who invented the diet, has successfully treated over 40,000 patients who have lost drastic weight in just a matter of days.
“If you lose the weight too quickly your mind is not going to be able to catch up with a newer, skinnier you,” psychoanalyst Bethany Marshall of Beverly Hills, Calif. told ABC News.
Other dieticians are doctors say that the diet is not so unique.
Dr. Scott Shikora, the director of the Center for Metabolic Health and Bariatric Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston said any regime that restricts calories will lead to weight loss. “The novelty is, they shove a tube in your nose,” he told the Times.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s through a tube, a straw, a meal plan,” he said. “They all work, if someone goes from 3,000 calories a day to 800.”

Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is a treatment that can help many children with seizures. It is a medical therapy requiring the supervision of a specialized dietitian and neurologist. This carefully calculated diet can be quite high in fat, adequate in protein and low in carbohydrates when compared to a usual diet. Calories are also precisely calculated to support appropriate growth. The diet is not nutritionally complete on its own and will require the use of vitamin and mineral supplementation.
The diet initiation often requires a brief hospital admission. Fine tuning and maintaining the diet to achieve optimal seizure control is monitored on an outpatient basis. The length of time that a child requires ketogenic diet therapy remains undetermined and will need to be discussed with your dietitian and neurologist during regular follow up visits.
A discussion with your pediatric neurologist will help you determine if you or your child is a candidate for ketogenic diet therapy. The ketogenic diet clinic will provide you with the clinical support that your child requires. Recognizing however that adapting to this new diet lifestyle can be difficult, our multidisciplinary team will provide family-centred support. You will have access to the following members of our team:
weight loss in 10 days - Ketogenic Diet - - low-carb-KEN Diet
weight loss in 10 days – Ketogenic Diet – – low-carb-KEN Diet
* Ketogenic Dietitian
* Pediatric Neurologist
* Registered Nurse
* Child Life Specialist
* Social Worker
Should you receive a referral into our Ketogenic Diet Clinic you may journey through several stages before beginning the diet:
1. First Stage — Outpatient Clinic Visit
Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet Multidisciplinary Team.
Initial Questions and Answers about the diet
2. Second Stage — Outpatient Visit(s)
Meeting with dietitian, child life specialist and social worker
Goals: Introduction to keto meals and hands on preparation (continued)
Identifying and problem solving around issues that may impede adjustment of your child and family onto the diet.
Introduce the monitoring expectations of the parent/caregiver.
3. Third Stage — Inpatient Admission
Goal: To initiate and clinically monitor the induction of the ketogenic diet
Reinforce the meal preparation and monitoring expectations
4. Fourth Stage – Outpatient Ken Clinic Visit and Phone follow-ups
Fine Tuning of the ketogenic diet to optimize seizure control and adjustment to the new diet.

5. Maintenance Stage – Outpatient Ken Clinic Visit
Regular outpatient clinic follow-ups with the ken team
Medication adjustments

In addition, you have the opportunity to meet other parents and potential ken families through our Parent Information Group that meets regularly.

Monday, 16 June 2014



The Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD)

What is keto?
The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. The diet mimics aspects of starvation by forcing the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in fueling brain function. However, if there is very little carbohydrate in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source. Ketosis is the state characterized by elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood. Very simply put ketosis is when your body stops using glucose for energy and instead uses fat broken down into ketones.

Will a ketogenic diet work for me?
Probably. Some people respond better to it than others, but most people seem to respond to it pretty well. Sometimes people have problems in the beginning (fuzziness in the head and problems concentrating are the common complaints with these people) and can’t seem to make the adjustment. If you’re one of these people the diet may not be worth it for you. Most of the time, however, those feelings only last for a few days to a week and are most severe the first time you go into ketosis.
I have diabetes, is keto good for me?
Diabetes Type I may benefit from ketosis, but it might not be the most ideal diet for someone with the disorder. Anyone with Diabetes Type I who is looking to lose weight should seek guidance from a physician on the topic firstly and understand any advice taken from this reddit on the subject is not professional.
If someone with Diabetes Type I decides to follow keto or low-carb they should be sure to keep a close eye on their blood sugar because ketoacidosis is a dangerous state that can occur in a person with Diabetes Type I.
Why does the keto or low-carb diet work?
The carbohydrate hypothesis lends to the idea that chronically elevated insulin levels lead to fat gain since insulin makes you store fat as part of blood sugar regulation. When insulin levels are controlled through the keto diet, your body releases fat from your storage cells and burns the fat off.
How do I get started?
Pretty simply just start limiting your net daily carb intake to 50g or less. This is adequate for most people but you may need to go lower. Your macro-nutrient goals should be about 60% fat, 35% protein and the other 5% carbs. It’s OK if the fat and protein numbers fluctuate but keep your carb intake to 5% or less. This means you’ll be eating things like whole eggs, fish, beef, chicken and turkey, green vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, cheese, butter, cream, nuts, seeds and, of course, bacon.
How do I know if I’m in ketosis?
The short answer is that if your carb intake is low enough you’ll be in ketosis. It may take a couple of weeks the first time. Ketostix can show you if you’re in ketosis by measuring the excess ketones in your urine. If you’re hydrated well enough or if you’re using all the ketones for energy you could be in ketosis without getting a positive result on the ketositx. Some people notice a metallic/acetone taste in their mouth or a strong smell of their urine.
How long should I do keto?
For as long as it’s working for you or until you reach your goals. If you find you’re regularly running out of energy but still haven’t reached your fat loss goals you might want to switch to a CKD or TKD.
How many carbs should I be eating?
A ketogenic diet is generally one with fewer than 50g of carbs making up no more than 10% of your calories per day. A low-carb diet is generally considered one with less than 150g of carbs a day, making up <30% of total calories. A low-carb diet is not designed to induce ketosis.
If I’m doing keto do I still need to count calories?
Yes and no. For some people simply cutting out all the carbs lowers their total caloric intake low enough to lose weight. For others they still need to focus on eating less and should keep track of their calories. Even the first group of people, however, would benefit from logging their food intake at least occasionally to get an idea of how many calories they’re eating and what the macro-nutrient breakdown is. Although it’s more difficult, you can still gain fat on a ketogenic diet so you can’t go hog wild on things like bacon and cheese.
Vegetables are high in carbs, should I stop eating them?
No, absolutely not. US nutritional values show vegetables as being high in carbs, but most of those carbs are in the form of fiber. (EU and most other labels show fiber as a separate category). Fiber isn’t broken down and absorbed by your body so it should not be counted towards your carb total. For example, one cup of Avocado cubes has about 10g of carbs, but 7 of them are fiber so you’d only count 3g towards your daily carb total. Most vegetables are also low calorie so they’re good filler foods. They’re also full of necessary nutrients.
Can I drink alcohol on keto?
Yes, you can, just watch the carbs in your beverage of choice. In that respect, spirits (whiskey, vodka, etc) and dry wine are more keto-friendly than beer, sweet wine, or sugary cocktails. Drinking won’t kick you out of ketosis, but will slow down or delay your weight loss progress. Also, many keto dieters report drastic reduction of alcohol tolerance and heavier hangovers.
Will keto work without all that fat?
To a point. The rule of thumb is to try and get about 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass (LBM), keep your net carbs lower than 50g per day, and get the rest of your calories from dietary fat. (Protein=4 Kcal/g, Carbs=4 Kcal/g and Fat=9 Kcal/g) Some people may need to go lower with their carb intake to reach ketosis and people trying to add muscle may want to go higher with their protein intake. Fat is also important because it contains valuable nutrients, it helps with satiety, and it makes food taste better. 

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

weight loss in 10 days

weight loss in 10 days
The kitchen is the heart of the home, but it's also the place that can make or break you on the weight loss front. If you're on a quest to slim down, do these nine things in your kitchen.

Make fruits as accessible as a bag of chips: Wash, cut up, and store fruits such as grapes, melon, kiwi, pineapple, and apples in reusable containers in the fridge so they're easy to grab. Make sure they're right up front at eye level so they're the first thing you see when you open the fridge door.
Prepare a big container of salad: Having a salad before dinner is a great way to fill you up so you eat less of the main course, but preparing a salad every night takes so much time that it's tempting to skip out. Ensure you get a bowl of greens every night by making an enormous bowl of salad at the beginning of the week. You're sure to eat a salad with dinner if it's already made — just scoop out a bowl, top with vinaigrette, and enjoy.
Have measuring cups and spoons on the counter: Measuring your food will keep portions in check since overestimating serving sizes is a huge reason people don't lose weight. Seeing measuring spoons and cups on your kitchen counter will be a visual reminder not to forget to use them.

Keep reading to find out other ways your kitchen can help you lose weight.

Pre-make snack packs: You know what happens when you eat chips or crackers out of the box — you practically end up polishing off the entire package! Take your favorite healthy snacks such as mixed nuts, popcorn, cheese, and fresh fruit, grab some Ziploc baggies, and make some 100-calorie or 150-calorie snack packs you can keep in your cupboard or fridge.
Ditch the unhealthy foods: Your hubby and kids might be fans of an occasional can of soda, bowl of cookie dough ice cream, or Hershey's Kiss, but if those foods are within your reach, you're bound to crave them. Throw out or give away the junk because if it's not in your kitchen, you can't be tempted to eat it.
Use smaller-sized plates: When we prepare a plate of food, we feel the need to fill it up completely. If you start out with a smaller-sized salad plate, there's only so much you can pile on, so you'll end up consuming fewer calories.
Freeze fruits and veggies: Buy larger bags of fruits and veggies at the store and wash, cut, and store them in baggies in the freezer. You'll not only save money when you buy in bulk, but you'll also have them on hand to add to your smoothies, yogurt, pasta dishes, soups, and omelets.
Double or even triple the recipe: Whether you're making soup, roasted veggies, quinoa salad, or something else for dinner, don't just make enough for one meal. Package the leftovers in containers you can easily grab for the next few days' meals. If your lunch or dinner is already prepared, you won't have to resort to unhealthy takeout.

Put food away before you sit down to eat: After you've cooked up an amazing vegan mac and cheese, serve yourself an appropriate serving size and then wrap it up and put it in the fridge. If you leave it out, you're more likely to go back for unnecessary seconds or thirds. Out of sight means off your hips.